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Online apklausa: kaip išvengti dažniausių klaidų ir problemų apklausų procese

Online Apklausa: How to Create an Effective Online Survey

Online apklausa means online survey in Lithuanian. Online surveys are a popular and effective way to collect feedback, opinions, and data from your target audience. You can use online surveys for various purposes, such as market research, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, event planning, and more.

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In this article, we will guide you through the steps and best practices of creating an online survey. We will also provide you with some examples of online survey templates and questionnaires that you can use or customize for your own needs.

How to Create an Online Survey

Creating an online survey is not difficult if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Define your survey goal and questions

The first step is to identify the purpose and objectives of your survey. What do you want to learn from your respondents? What kind of information do you need to answer your research question or solve your problem?

Based on your goal, you can then formulate the questions that you want to ask in your survey. You should make sure that your questions are clear, concise, relevant, unbiased, and easy to answer. You should also avoid asking too many or too personal questions that might discourage or offend your respondents.

You can choose from different types of questions, such as multiple choice, rating scale, open-ended, matrix, etc. Depending on the type of question, you can also provide answer options or allow respondents to enter their own answers.

Step 2: Choose an online survey tool or platform

The next step is to select an online survey tool or platform that suits your needs and budget. There are many options available on the internet, such as , etc.

Some of the factors that you should consider when choosing an online survey tool or platform are:

  • The features and functionalities that it offers, such as question types, design options, logic branching, data analysis, etc.

  • The ease of use and user-friendliness of the interface.

  • The security and privacy of your data and respondents' information.

  • The cost and pricing plans that fit your budget.

  • The support and customer service that it provides.

Step 3: Design your survey layout and appearance

The third step is to design your survey layout and appearance. You should make sure that your survey is attractive, professional, and consistent with your brand identity. You can use colors, images, fonts, logos, etc. to customize your survey look and feel.

Online apklausa nemokamai (online survey for free)

Online apklausa pinigai (online survey money)

Online apklausa moksliniams tyrimams (online survey for scientific research)

Online apklausa darbuotojams (online survey for employees)

Online apklausa klientams (online survey for customers)

Online apklausa dalyvavimas (online survey participation)

Online apklausa kokybės vertinimas (online survey quality assessment)

Online apklausa mokytojams (online survey for teachers)

Online apklausa studentams (online survey for students)

Online apklausa gyventojams (online survey for residents)

Online apklausa sveikatos tema (online survey on health topic)

Online apklausa sporto tema (online survey on sports topic)

Online apklausa muzikos tema (online survey on music topic)

Online apklausa kultūros tema (online survey on culture topic)

Online apklausa politikos tema (online survey on politics topic)

Online apklausa verslo tema (online survey on business topic)

Online apklausa švietimo tema (online survey on education topic)

Online apklausa aplinkos tema (online survey on environment topic)

Online apklausa socialinių tinklų tema (online survey on social media topic)

Online apklausa žaidimų tema (online survey on games topic)

Online apklausa kelionių tema (online survey on travel topic)

Online apklausa maisto tema (online survey on food topic)

Online apklausa grožio tema (online survey on beauty topic)

Online apklausa mados tema (online survey on fashion topic)

Online apklausa technologijų tema (online survey on technology topic)

Kaip sukurti online apklausą? (How to create an online survey?)

Kaip atlikti online apklausą? (How to conduct an online survey?)

Kaip analizuoti online apklausos rezultatus? (How to analyze online survey results?)

Kaip padidinti online apklausos atsakymų skaičių? (How to increase online survey response rate?)

Kaip užsidirbti pinigų su online apklausomis? (How to make money with online surveys?)

Geriausios online apklausų platformos (Best online survey platforms)

Geriausios online apklausų klausimų formulavimo praktikos (Best online survey question wording practices)

Geriausios online apklausų dizaino praktikos (Best online survey design practices)

Geriausios online apklausų tipai ir metodai (Best online survey types and methods)

Geriausios online apklausų pavyzdžiai ir šablonai (Best online survey examples and templates)

Privalumai ir trūkumai naudojant online apklausas (Advantages and disadvantages of using online surveys)

Etikos ir teisiniai aspektai naudojant online apklausas (Ethical and legal aspects of using online surveys)

Patarimai ir gudrybės naudojant online apklausas (Tips and tricks for using online surveys)

Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai apie online apklausas (Frequently asked questions about online surveys)

Naujausi tyrimai ir tendencijos apie online apklausas (Latest research and trends about online surveys)

You should also organize your questions in a logical order and structure. You can use sections, headings, subheadings, bullet points, etc. to make your survey easy to read and navigate. You should also use transitions, introductions, and conclusions to connect your questions and guide your respondents.

Step 4: Distribute your survey to your respondents

The fourth step is to distribute your survey to your respondents. You should choose the best method and channel to reach your target audience and get the most responses. You can use email, social media, website, QR code, etc. to share your survey link or embed your survey on your web page.

You should also consider the timing and frequency of your survey distribution. You should avoid sending your survey at inconvenient times or too often that might annoy or overwhelm your respondents. You should also set a deadline and a reminder for your survey completion.

Step 5: Analyze and report your survey results

The final step is to analyze and report your survey results. You should use the tools and features that your online survey platform provides to collect, process, and visualize your data. You can use charts, graphs, tables, etc. to display your data in a clear and meaningful way.

You should also interpret and summarize your findings and insights from your data. You should answer your research question or problem statement and highlight the key takeaways and recommendations from your survey. You should also acknowledge the limitations and challenges of your survey and suggest ways to improve it in the future.

Online Survey Examples and Templates

To help you create your own online survey, here are some examples of online survey templates and questionnaires that you can use or customize for different purposes:

Market Research Survey Template

A market research survey is a type of online survey that helps you understand your market size, demand, trends, competitors, customers, etc. You can use a market research survey to test a new product or service idea, evaluate an existing product or service performance, identify new opportunities or threats, etc.

Here is an example of a market research survey template that you can use or modify for your own needs:

Market Research Survey Template

QuestionAnswer Options

1. What is your age group?a) 18-24b) 25-34c) 35-44d) 45-54e) 55 or above

2. What is your gender?a) Maleb) Femalec) Prefer not to say

3. What is your occupation?a) Studentb) Employedc) Self-employedd) Unemployede) Retiredf) Other (please specify)

4. How often do you use online surveys?a) Dailyb) Weeklyc) Monthlyd) Occasionallye) Never

5. What are the main reasons for using online surveys?a) Market researchb) Customer satisfactionc) Employee engagementd) Event feedbacke) Other (please specify)

6. Which online survey tool or platform do you use most frequently?a) Google Formsb) SurveyMonkeyc) Qualtricsd) SurveyPlanete) Other (please specify)

7. How satisfied are you with the online survey tool or platform that you use most frequently?a) Very satisfiedb) Somewhat satisfiedc) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedd) Somewhat dissatisfiede) Very dissatisfied

8. What are the most important features or functionalities that you look for in an online survey tool or platform?a) Question typesb) Design optionsc) Logic branchingd) Data analysise) Security and privacyf) Cost and pricingg) Support and customer serviceh) Other (please specify)

9. What are the main challenges or difficulties that you face when using online surveys?a) Writing good survey questionsb) Getting enough responsesc> Ensuring


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